Juan Viejo2
JoinedPosts by Juan Viejo2
Venus Williams ESPN Nude Religious Controversy
by ChuckFire invenus williams espn nude religious controversy.
by mike tuttle.
june 24, 2014. article source: http://www.webpronews.com/venus-williams-espn-nude-religious-controversy-2014-06?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3a+webpronews%2fall+(webpronews%3a+index+feed).
Anyone Attend a Spanish RC yet this Year ???
by RubaDub inwe have 2 scheduled here in south florida in spanish but they are at the end of july and first week of august.. just wondering if they have gb tie-ins with translators or just the standard talks.. i can't wait to go ... lol.. rub a dub.
Juan Viejo2
I got a message from someone who attended a Spanish convention. Apparently they are not releasing a Spanish version of the Silver Bible, but they are releasing some of the introductory and index material associated with it. They are also releasing a rather wierd DVD that shows a young woman dying and then coming back (in the body she had when she died) sometime when the New World is established. The contributor stated that everyone was in tears.
Very short and brief, but basically said the whole thing was "a bit wierd and off-putting. Much of it seemed very illogical, like they were trying to get us to really believe a fairy tale."
I'd say they've been doing that for over 100 years - and have been somewhat successful at it.
Juan Viejo2
In just a few weeks they will be on JW.org. A few weeks later they will be "old light."
How is the org really run? What goes on behind the scenes?
by Magnum inhow is the org really run?
what goes on behind the scenes?.
i just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/6600/1/don-adams-biography) the post mentioned the adams brothers don, karl, & joel and how influential they are/were at headquarters.
Juan Viejo2
DoChange - You are definitely right on the money in your observations about those who make it to the top of the organizational pinnacle. They begin to believe their own bullshit.
Talesin - Same for you. It is true that most large organizations like the WT are really run by one man or a very small group of men (usually not more than 5) who make all of the major decisions. They are often not visible outside of their own little group and are known to subordinates only by their initials on documents approving or denying an inquiry, request, or proposal.
I worked for a couple of very large US corporations - one a public utility, the other a very large national retailer. In both cases I ended up in higher level staff positions directly reporting to an AVP or VP level manager/director. Being an intermediary between the highest staff levels and the field operating teams and retailers I was often just a messenger delivering the mail. When the news was bad - or clearly damaging to field operations - I would be the one asked, "Who the **** made this decision?" All I could see on the original document were initials. While I could guess who that person was, I was not at liberty to reveal my opinion to the field managers. I would be the one who had to endure their wrath and hatred. In most cases, I agreed with the field managers and would have supported them if it would have made any difference. The only difference made would have been my being out of a job.
I think that is the way it is with the Watchtower corporation(s). I think Russell, Rutherford and Knorr were pretty much in overall charge, but since the promotion of the 7-19 holy underlings known collectively as the Governing Body in the late 1960s, I believe the real decision makers are completely hidden. Most of those familiar with the 1970-2000 period would guess that Ted Jaracz was the real power behind the throne, but I've communicated with high level Bethelites serving during that period who say that was only partially true - there was still someone higher than him pulling the big strings. Don Adams? Doubtful, but a possibility.
I don't think we'll ever know exactly who makes the real decisions for the WT, but my guess is that it is someone on the financial side. It might even be someone who is not even a Jehovah's Witness and may not even believe any of their BS teachings. All of this construction work and property acquisitions - the new pseudo-"tithing" donation arrangement, the actual switch from printing presses to digitial delivery of literature - all indicate that someone watching over the Society's balance sheet is the real "chairman of the board." Everything, from convention locations to minor doctrinal changes probably passes by that person or small group of men (not the Governing Body) for final approval.
My heart, my head, and my contacts all agree that someone completely off-screen is pulling the strings and is personally profiting from what happens in the Watchtower organization. And my intellect tells me it is not Jehovah or Jesus Christ.
Just my 2p...
How do you shut your mind down so you can get a good night sleep???
by jam inthe more i learn about jw's the harder it is.
to sleep at night.
the wife hit the pillow and within 5 min.. she is snoring.
Juan Viejo2
Seriously, here is a quality answer to your question about what you should take when you can't go to sleep at night...
I am 70 years old. I've had a heart attack and quintuple bypass heart surgery. Last year I had a defibrelator / pacemaker installed. I take a half dozen pills each night that include aspirin, and three different heart medications. So needless to say, I must be very careful about what I eat and drink. A half grapefruit can kill me - seriously.
For several months I had been having a very rough time going to sleep at night. Being involved with AAWA and being the focus of a lot of criticism over that association, being slandered by Randy Watters after spending money and hundreds of hours setting up Freeminds2.org for him, and being abused by the Menlo Park elders and their spokesman, "John Steel," after supporting them for nearly two years and publicizing their case - I was pretty stressed out. Cap that off by being told by another well-known ex-JW spokesperson that I had befriended, spent time with, and even provided with funds for special purposes that I should not call or email ever again. All of that tends to take the wind out of your sails and make you lose both your enthusiasm for the cause but also a lot of sleep.
Even going to bed at 3 AM after a full day of mental and physical exercise could not defeat all of the demons in my head and let me get some sleep. I would toss and turn, doze off and then wake up again within minutes and then my mind would start working all over again.
I had to find a solution to find a way to go to sleep.
One day while at my cardiologist for a regular checkup, he asked if I was having any pain, cramps, etc. I told him that I could not go to sleep at night and it was wearing me down. Without a moment's hesitation he turned to his assistant and said, write him a prescription for Melatonin. Then he told me that I didn't need the prescription because it was available over-the-counter. The prescription was just a tool for me to remember what to look for. He assured me that even with all of my health problems that I could take 5mg of Melatonin every night 30 minutes to an hour before going to bed and I would sleep like a baby. And there would be no negative side effects, even with my other medications and advanced health problems.
I went to my pharmacy and bought some rather expensive 3mg capsules that worked. But then I went to my local Safeway store and found some 5mg capsules that were very cheap, about $8 per bottle of 70 (NatureMade). I later found an even better deal on Amazon for that same brand with 103 capsules per bottle and 3 bottles for less than $25 (shipped free with Prime).
Beyond the minimal expense - they work - boy do they work! Not only that, but even on nights when I don't take a pill I find sleep comes on quicker (some residual effect because some of the medication remains in the blood stream.
Although my cardiologist assures me that there is nothing in Melatonin at over-the-counter dosages that can harm me, you, of course - should you be on special medications or have an unusual medical condition - should confirm with your own physician that Melatonin would be a safe solution to your sleeplessness.
Very few OTC medications other than Melatonin and Loratidine (for allergy) really work for me - but they both do and amazingly well.
That's my story and my suggestion. You may now resume slinging arrows in my direction and call me nasty names. I'll just crawl into bed and pull up the covers...
Arrogant Titles for Elders and Company Men
by punkofnice ini was thinking of the arrogant titles jw's give up the pecking order.
glorious ones.
Juan Viejo2
You just beat me to the punch - good on you!
When my family became JWs in the early 1950s my parents both thought it odd that the congregation was not called a "church," but rather a "company." The servants were known as "Company Servant," "Asst. Company Servant," Literature Servant, Territory Servant, Accounts Servant, Theocratic Ministry School and Watchtower Study Conductors. Bible Study Conductors managed the Tuesday night meetings that were spread all over town.
We referred to each other as Publishers and members of the Company, never congregation.
The roots of Joseph Rutherford still ran deep. I think the change took place in 1953 about the time of the International Convention in New York.
All appointed men are being told they have to pioneer now!
by stuckinarut2 inyes, you read correctly..... all appointed men have been told in a new letter that they have to pioneer to "set the lead" whenever there is a "special" campaign month.
they use some scripture saying that these ones have to show by example.... so for any of us who are appointed and have learned ttatt, it is going to be very hard to fade during this time!.
Juan Viejo2
There may be provision to count hours for meetings when an elder participates in some meaningful way - like greeter or parking lot guard. I know that some elders count time "preparing for their meeting assignments." Pretty well known that all elders count BOE meetings and JCs in their counted hours. Any elder can manufacture enough hours to make 30 or even 50 per month with some creative accounting. What they should do is share their insider secrets with the rest of the congregation and boost the total hours for the congregation's monthly report.
How evil are lawyers?
by LogCon ingive me some examples of just how evil attorneys are.. please..
Juan Viejo2
I've been on both sides of this question on several occasions. Like other human beings, lawyers can range from dedicated to deluded, from gifted to gutless, from caring to careless.
I've served on juries where attorneys on both sides were so incompetent (and the judge too) that I could never decide until the last minute which way to vote. In one case the side that was clearly winning - and I mean without any doubt whatsoever - had their attorney talk them into a low-end settlement. All of us on the jury wondered if the guy had been paid off by the other side.
I've been represented by attorneys in a few situations and challenged by a couple. One divorce attorney called me at work in the middle of the day while I was in a meeting with higher management and threatened me. I turned on the speaker phone and let him rant. "Give your ex-wife $$$$$ or you'll never see your kids again!!! (The amount he was asking per month was twice my take-home pay.)" One of my guests reached in his pocket and pulled out a card from his own personal attorney. "Just tell the jerk on the phone that you will be represented by this fellow." When I mentioned the other lawyers name - there was silence at the other end. "I'll get back to you..." was his very softly-spoken response." And in fact, I got custody of my kids and my wife ended up paying me some ridiculously low child support - only because I didn't want to do any more damage to her than her attorney had already done.
Some criminal attorneys are lazy - especially in domestic violence cases. They always seem to want the accused to plea - even when the plea will involve jail time. One private attorney shared with me his opinion of most Public Defenders: "They are so overworked, understaffed, and usually the newest kids on the block, that 90% of them won't even remember your name when addressing the judge. They will confuse the details of your case with those of ten others they are working on. Their only real goal in life is to get out of the PD's office on on their own or moved to the District Attorney's office as soon as possible."
WOW gotta check out this Charles Sinutko talk "Is It Proper to have doubts?"
by BU2B inso manipulaitve.
Juan Viejo2
Ciro Aucilino was the speaker that described the horrific sites and smells after Armageddon. His speech is on Centralpointe too.
Old JW footage on You Tube from Pathe News
by wizzstick inpathe news was a producer of newsreels , cinemagazines , and documentaries from 1910 until 1970 in the united kingdom.
its founder, charles pathe, was a pioneer of moving pictures in the silent era.
the pathe news archive is known today as british pathe.
Juan Viejo2
This is not from the Pathe footage, but likely an official WT 16 or 35MM film of the 1958 assemby.
We would have been playing catch on the right field side of the deepest outfield, just to the right of the covered orchestra tent at Yankee Stadium. But these films were all taken during Knorr's talk, so everyone was seated - but you can see how far the crowds went - all the way to the outfield walls.
Too bad. I'm sad. It may have been the best moment of my life. Following it was one hour of Knorr's total bullcrap and almost unbearable heat and sun.
Barbara A - can you see where you were sitting? We were on blankets just in front of the furthest right support pole of the orchestra tent, about 20 rows into the main grassy seating area. Women had to take off their high-heel shoes and if you didn't bring a blanket you had to sit on the grass. Some brought folding chairs.